Watch next week’s live stream to find out.
One of the questions I get asked the most is some version of “what do you think of crowdfunding?” I usually answer with some noncommittal answer about how it is going to be important, but no really knows how it will impact the trajectory and success of startup companies. After all, the notion of banding together through social media to fund the development of a prototype, documentary film or art project has been going on for many years now. But, what is about to change is that startups will be able to give up equity stakes in their companies in exchange for investments from accredited investors, hopefully for much larger sums of money.
What does this equity exchange really mean? Does it make crowdfunding a good option for your startup? If so, how should you go about raising money from “the crowd?” Just how much money could be raised through a crowdfunding effort? How much equity in your company should you prepare to give up in exchange for an investment?
Many of these questions will be answered during a live streamed presentation that the founder and CEO of Indiegogo, Slava Rubin, will deliver at the Kauffman Foundation on Aug. 27. Indiegogo is one of the oldest and largest crowdfunding platforms on the web, and Slava’s talk, “How to Raise $1 Million in 30 Days or Less,” will shine a light on the current state of crowdfunding. So, if you want to learn more about the mystery that is crowdfunding and what it could mean for your startup, watch the live stream here from 12:10 p.m. – 1 p.m. CT. And, be sure to tweet about it, post it on Facebook, Instagram it and share with everyone in your “crowd.”