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  • Doing It the All-Cash Way

    Running your own business on your own terms means freedom in your schedule and approach. It can also mean slim funding. This Co-founder of The Baby Einstein Company was seeking to avoid entanglement with venture capitalists and found that doing business on a cash-only basis was the answer.

  • Managing Creativity for Love and Money

    Fickle clients, fast growth, creative people — crazy business! This entrepreneur watched his firm grow swiftly and his financial records become increasingly more complex, all while doing business with people whose first priority was not finishing the project on budget. He shares his experience dealing with creative workers, a quickly growing business, and his solution: strictly managed cash flow.

  • A Few Good Fundamentals (So You Never Have to Call on Me for Help)

    Because he makes a living at sorting through the finances of failing companies, this turnaround specialist knows that the single most important approach for building new companies or salvaging dying ones is careful cash flow management. This entrepreneur writes on the balancing act and the pitfalls to avoid while managing your money.

  • Cash Flow and the “R” Word

    Knowing how to work the system gives you control over one of the most important issues concerning your business: the ability to handle your cash. Whether you’re black or white, whether you’re running a freshly funded business or a proven establishment, cash flow matters. The publisher of Black Enterprise shares what he’s learned about diligent cash-flow management during three decades in the magazine business.

  • Technology Licensing II: Key Elements of an Agreement

    Learn what a license really covers, what details to spell out and how to provide for accurate record-keeping, so as to prevent trouble later on. This article reviews the basic provisions, from boilerplate to bones of contention.

  • Expanding Abroad III: Legal Issues

    Know the advantages and disadvantages of different arrangements for doing business overseas, and the major legal issues arising from each, before you go global. Then, make sure everyone involved complies with your standards for behavior and performance.

  • Expanding Abroad II: Effective Preparation

    If your personnel, products, partners and resources are mobilized for overseas expansion, you can overcome the bureaucratic, cultural and economic obstacles outlined in the previous article of this series. Read this one to learn the underlying conditions that foster success.

  • Expanding Abroad I: Strategic Issues

    Taking your company global can supply resources, help the business grow and bring desirable technological development to other countries. To do it right, consider the obstacles and gather background information first.

  • Creating an Entrepreneurial Culture

    Developing an environment in your company that rewards hard work and wins employee loyalty always helps to foster success. That culture may be crucial when your business has to confront a crisis.
